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Resource StructureDefinition/FHIR Server from package Vital.MedikationsplanPlus#1.1.0 (93 ms)

Package Vital.MedikationsplanPlus
Type StructureDefinition
Id Id
FHIR Version R4
Source https://simplifier.net/resolve?scope=Vital.MedikationsplanPlus@1.1.0&canonical=https://tx.gerontonet.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/MedikationsplanPlusPatient
Url https://tx.gerontonet.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/MedikationsplanPlusPatient
Version 1.0.0
Status active
Date 2020-11-06T10:36:13.1733723+00:00
Name MedikationsplanPlusPatient
Experimental False
Type Patient
Kind resource

Resources that use this resource

https://tx.gerontonet.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/MedikationsplanPlusAllergyIntolerance MedikationsplanPlusAllergyIntolerance
https://tx.gerontonet.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/MedikationsplanPlusObservationBodyHeight MedikationsplanPlusObservationBodyHeight
https://tx.gerontonet.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/MedikationsplanPlusObservationBodyWeight MedikationsplanPlusObservationBodyWeight
https://tx.gerontonet.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/MedikationsplanPlusObservationBreastfeeding MedikationsplanPlusObservationBreastfeeding
https://tx.gerontonet.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/MedikationsplanPlusObservationCreatinine MedikationsplanPlusObservationCreatinine
https://tx.gerontonet.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/MedikationsplanPlusObservationPregnancystatus MedikationsplanPlusObservationPregnancystatus

Resources that this resource uses

http://fhir.de/StructureDefinition/address-de-basis Adresse, deutsches Basisprofil
http://fhir.de/StructureDefinition/gender-amtlich-de Differenzierung des administrativen Geschlechts 'other'
http://fhir.de/StructureDefinition/humanname-de-basis HumanName, deutsches Basisprofil
http://fhir.de/StructureDefinition/humanname-namenszusatz Extension zur Erfassung der VSDM Namensbestandteile
http://fhir.de/StructureDefinition/identifier-kvid-10 Identifier-Profil für die 10-stellige Krankenversichertennummer
http://fhir.de/StructureDefinition/identifier-pid Identifier-Profil für die Abbildung einer Patienten-ID
http://fhir.de/StructureDefinition/identifier-pkv Identifier-Profil für die Abbildung einer Privatversichertennummer


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  "meta" : {
    "lastUpdated" : "2020-11-23T10:55:38.624+00:00"
  "url" : "https://tx.gerontonet.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/MedikationsplanPlusPatient",
  "version" : "1.0.0",
  "name" : "MedikationsplanPlusPatient",
  "status" : "active",
  "date" : "2020-11-06T10:36:13.1733723+00:00",
  "fhirVersion" : "4.0.1",
  "mapping" : [
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      "uri" : "http://hl7.org/v3",
      "name" : "RIM Mapping"
      "identity" : "cda",
      "uri" : "http://hl7.org/v3/cda",
      "name" : "CDA (R2)"
      "identity" : "w5",
      "uri" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/fivews",
      "name" : "FiveWs Pattern Mapping"
      "identity" : "v2",
      "uri" : "http://hl7.org/v2",
      "name" : "HL7 v2 Mapping"
      "identity" : "loinc",
      "uri" : "http://loinc.org",
      "name" : "LOINC code for the element"
  "kind" : "resource",
  "abstract" : false,
  "type" : "Patient",
  "baseDefinition" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Patient",
  "derivation" : "constraint",
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            "severity" : "error",
            "human" : "Die amtliche Differenzierung der Geschlechtsangabe 'other' darf nur gefüllt sein, wenn das Geschlecht 'other' angegeben ist",
            "expression" : "gender='other' or gender.extension('http://fhir.de/StructureDefinition/gender-amtlich-de').empty()",
            "source" : "http://fhir.de/StructureDefinition/Patient"
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        "slicing" : {
          "discriminator" : [
              "type" : "type",
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        "path" : "Patient.name.family.extension.value[x]",
        "sliceName" : "no name",
        "maxLength" : 20
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        "max" : "0"
        "id" : "Patient.name:geburtsname.prefix",
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        "max" : "0"
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        "path" : "Patient.name.suffix",
        "max" : "1"
        "id" : "Patient.telecom",
        "path" : "Patient.telecom",
        "max" : "0"
        "id" : "Patient.telecom.system",
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        "min" : 1
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        "min" : 1
        "id" : "Patient.gender",
        "path" : "Patient.gender",
        "comment" : "Für die meisten Patientenprofile ist das Geschlecht zwingend anzugeben. Da es beim Zaeb, Impfpass und eAu nicht auftaucht, muss die Kardinalizäz bei 0..1 verbleiben. Hier muss noch die Extension \"gender_amtlich_de hinzugefügt werden",
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "Patient.gender.extension",
        "path" : "Patient.gender.extension",
        "slicing" : {
          "discriminator" : [
              "type" : "value",
              "path" : "url"
          "rules" : "open"
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        "path" : "Patient.gender.extension",
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        "max" : "1",
        "type" : [
            "code" : "Extension",
            "profile" : [
        "id" : "Patient.birthDate",
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        "min" : 1,
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "Patient.birthDate.extension",
        "path" : "Patient.birthDate.extension",
        "slicing" : {
          "discriminator" : [
              "type" : "value",
              "path" : "url"
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        "id" : "Patient.birthDate.extension:data-absent-reason",
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        "type" : [
            "code" : "Extension",
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        "path" : "Patient.birthDate.extension.value[x]",
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        "path" : "Patient.birthDate.extension.value[x]",
        "sliceName" : "valueCode",
        "fixedCode" : "unknown"
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        "max" : "0"
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        "short" : "In diesem Element soll der Stadt- oder Ortsteil meistens eines Stadtstaates dokumentiert werden.",
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        "comment" : "Staat gemäß dem ValueSet https://fhir.kbv.de/ValueSet/KBV_VS_BASE_GemRS_Anlage_8",
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        "sliceName" : "Stadtteil",
        "short" : "In diesem Element soll der Stadt- oder Ortsteil meistens eines Stadtstaates dokumentiert werden."
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        "definition" : "Staat gemäß dem ValueSet https://fhir.kbv.de/ValueSet/KBV_VS_BASE_GemRS_Anlage_8",
        "comment" : "Staat gemäß dem ValueSet https://fhir.kbv.de/ValueSet/KBV_VS_BASE_GemRS_Anlage_8",
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XIG built as of ??metadata-date??. Found ??metadata-resources?? resources in ??metadata-packages?? packages.